Please provide values below to convert foot [ft] to inch [in], or vice versa.
Fraction/Decimal Chart. Here is a chart of some commonly-used fractions and their decimal equivalents. These kind of fractions are often used for sizes of screws, nails and thicknesses of metal etc, in inches.
Definition: A foot (symbol: ft) is a unit of length in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. A foot was defined as exactly 0.3048 meters in 1959. One foot contains 12 inches, and one yard is comprised of three feet.
History/origin: Prior to standardization of units of measurement, and the definition of the foot currently in use, the measurement of the foot was used in many different systems including the Greek, Roman, English, Chinese, and French systems, varying in length between each. The various lengths were due to parts of the human body historically being used as a basis for units of length (such as the cubit, hand, span, digit, and many others, sometimes referred to as anthropic units). This resulted in the measurement of a foot varying between 250 mm and 335 mm in the past compared to the current definition of 304.8 mm. While the United States is one of the few, if not only, countries in which the foot is still widely used, many countries used their own version of the foot prior to metrication, as evidenced by a fairly large list of obsolete feet measurements.
Current use: The foot is primarily used in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom for many everyday applications. In the US, feet and inches are commonly used to measure height, shorter distances, field length (sometimes in the form of yards), etc. Feet are also commonly used to measure altitude (aviation) as well as elevation (such as that of a mountain). The international foot corresponds to human feet with shoe size 13 (UK), 14 (US male), 15.5 (US female), or 46 (EU).
An important heads-up for iPhone owners: Apple is warning customers that its smartphones could interfere with medical devices, including pacemakers. Favorite Answer No; by your logic, 0.5 should be 1/5 of an inch. 0.6 of an inch = 3/5 of an inch.
Definition: An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. An inch was defined to be equivalent to exactly 25.4 millimeters in 1959. There are 12 inches in a foot and 36 inches in a yard.
History/origin: Izotope rx 7 audio editor advanced 7 01 key. The term 'inch' was derived from the Latin unit 'uncia' which equated to 'one-twelfth' of a Roman foot.
There have been a number of different standards for the inch in the past, with the current definition being based on the international yard. One of the earliest definitions of the inch was based on barleycorns, where an inch was equal to the length of three grains of dry, round barley placed end-to-end. Another version of the inch is also believed to have been derived from the width of a human thumb, where the length was obtained from averaging the width of three thumbs: a small, a medium, and a large one.
Current use: The inch is mostly used in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is also sometimes used in Japan (as well as other countries) in relation to electronic parts, like the size of display screens.
Foot to Inch Conversion Table
Foot [ft] | Inch [in] |
0.01 ft | 0.12 in |
0.1 ft | 1.2 in |
1 ft | 12 in |
2 ft | 24 in |
3 ft | 36 in |
5 ft | 60 in |
10 ft | 120 in |
20 ft | 240 in |
50 ft | 600 in |
100 ft | 1200 in |
1000 ft | 12000 in |
How to Convert Foot to Inch
1 ft = 12 in
1 in = 0.0833333333 ft
Sidify music converter 1 1 5 download free. Example: convert 15 ft to in:
15 ft = 15 × 12 in = 180 in
Popular Length Unit Conversions
Convert Foot to Other Length Units
Convert inch fractions to decimal, convert decimal to inch fractions, convert inches to metric measurements, convert metric measurements to inch fractions, and convert to feet automatically.
Inch Fraction, Decimal, and Metric Results
Metric Units
Inch Fraction to Decimal Conversions
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The chart below can be used to easily find the correct fraction for your decimal measurement, or vice-versa. Find decimal equivalents in 1⁄64' increments, including 1⁄2', 1⁄4', 1⁄8', and 1⁄16', and 1⁄32' measurements.The chart also shows hints on the markings sizes found on a tape measure or ruler.
How to Calculate Inch Fractions
Inch fractions use denominators that are powers of 2 and go up to the 64th of an inch. That means the fraction denominators will be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. As a result, converting a decimal to an inch fraction is not as simple as finding the nearest fraction.Instead, it is necessary to find the nearest fraction with the denominator that is a power of 2, also known as a dyadic fraction or dyadic rational number.[1] Typical inch fractions will look something like 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2. Use our feet and inches calculator to add or subtract feet and inch fractions.
Finding Inch Fractions on a Tape Measure
Finding measurements on a ruler or tape measure can be confusing at first, but once you understand how the marks are laid out, then it is far simpler. The markings between the larger inch numbers vary in length.
The longest markings will be the quarter inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/4 inch, the second is 1/2 (2/4) inch, the third is 3/4 inch.
The next longest markings will be the eighth-inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/8 inch, the second is 3/8 inch, the third is 5/8 inch, etc.
The next longest markings will be the sixteenth-inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/16 inch, the second is 3/16 inch, the third is 5/16 inch, etc.
Converting Inches to Metric Measurements
Inch Fraction Conversion Chart – Fraction Decimal and Metric Equivalents
See equivalent length measurements in fraction, decimal, and metric up to one inch in 1⁄64' increments. Use this to convert decimals to inches and millimeters.
Fraction (inches) | Decimal (inches) | Metric (millimeters) |
1/64″ | 0.015625″ | 0.396875 mm |
1/32″ | 0.03125″ | 0.79375 mm |
3/64″ | 0.046875″ | 1.190625 mm |
1/16″ | 0.0625″ | 1.5875 mm |
5/64″ | 0.078125″ | 1.984375 mm |
3/32″ | 0.09375″ | 2.38125 mm |
7/64″ | 0.109375″ | 2.778125 mm |
1/8″ | 0.125″ | 3.175 mm |
9/64″ | 0.140625″ | 3.571875 mm |
5/32″ | 0.15625″ | 3.96875 mm |
11/64″ | 0.171875″ | 4.365625 mm |
3/16″ | 0.1875″ | 4.7625 mm |
13/64″ | 0.203125″ | 5.159375 mm |
7/32″ | 0.21875″ | 5.55625 mm |
15/64″ | 0.234375″ | 5.953125 mm |
1/4″ | 0.25″ | 6.35 mm |
17/64″ | 0.265625″ | 6.746875 mm |
9/32″ | 0.28125″ | 7.14375 mm |
19/64″ | 0.296875 | 7.540625 mm |
5/16″ | 0.3125″ | 7.9375 mm |
21/64″ | 0.328125″ | 8.334375 mm |
11/32″ | 0.34375″ | 8.73125 mm |
23/64″ | 0.359375″ | 9.128125 mm |
3/8″ | 0.375″ | 9.525 mm |
25/64″ | 0.390625″ | 9.921875 mm |
13/32″ | 0.40625″ | 10.31875 mm |
27/64″ | 0.421875″ | 10.715625 mm |
7/16″ | 0.4375″ | 11.1125 mm |
29/64″ | 0.453125″ | 11.509375 mm |
15/32″ | 0.46875″ | 11.90625 mm |
31/64″ | 0.484375″ | 12.303125 mm |
1/2″ | 0.5″ | 12.7 mm |
33/64″ | 0.515625″ | 13.096875 mm |
17/32″ | 0.53125″ | 13.49375 mm |
35/64″ | 0.546875″ | 13.890625 mm |
9/16″ | 0.5625″ | 14.2875 mm |
37/64″ | 0.578125″ | 14.684375 mm |
19/32″ | 0.59375″ | 15.08125 mm |
39/64″ | 0.609375″ | 15.478125 mm |
5/8″ | 0.625″ | 15.875 mm |
41/64″ | 0.640625″ | 16.271875 mm |
21/32″ | 0.65625″ | 16.66875 mm |
43/64″ | 0.671875″ | 17.065625 mm |
11/16″ | 0.6875″ | 17.4625 mm |
45/64″ | 0.703125″ | 17.859375 mm |
23/32″ | 0.71875″ | 18.25625 mm |
47/64″ | 0.734375″ | 18.653125 mm |
3/4″ | 0.75″ | 19.05 mm |
49/64″ | 0.765625″ | 19.446875 mm |
25/32″ | 0.78125″ | 19.84375 mm |
51/64″ | 0.796875″ | 20.240625 mm |
13/16″ | 0.8125″ | 20.6375 mm |
53/64″ | 0.828125″ | 21.034375 mm |
27/32″ | 0.84375″ | 21.43125 mm |
55/64″ | 0.859375″ | 21.828125 mm |
7/8″ | 0.875″ | 22.225 mm |
57/64″ | 0.890625″ | 22.621875 mm |
29/32″ | 0.90625″ | 23.01875 mm |
59/64″ | 0.921875″ | 23.415625 mm |
15/16″ | 0.9375″ | 23.8125 mm |
61/64″ | 0.953125″ | 24.209375 mm |
31/32″ | 0.96875″ | 24.60625 mm |
63/64″ | 0.984375″ | 25.003125 mm |
1″ | 1.0″ | 25.4 mm |
Inch Fraction Calculator - Find Inch Fractions From Decimal ..
The chart also shows hints on the markings sizes found on a tape measure or ruler.
How to Calculate Inch Fractions
Inch fractions use denominators that are powers of 2 and go up to the 64th of an inch. That means the fraction denominators will be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. As a result, converting a decimal to an inch fraction is not as simple as finding the nearest fraction.Instead, it is necessary to find the nearest fraction with the denominator that is a power of 2, also known as a dyadic fraction or dyadic rational number.[1] Typical inch fractions will look something like 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2. Use our feet and inches calculator to add or subtract feet and inch fractions.
Finding Inch Fractions on a Tape Measure
Finding measurements on a ruler or tape measure can be confusing at first, but once you understand how the marks are laid out, then it is far simpler. The markings between the larger inch numbers vary in length.
The longest markings will be the quarter inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/4 inch, the second is 1/2 (2/4) inch, the third is 3/4 inch.
The next longest markings will be the eighth-inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/8 inch, the second is 3/8 inch, the third is 5/8 inch, etc.
The next longest markings will be the sixteenth-inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/16 inch, the second is 3/16 inch, the third is 5/16 inch, etc.
Converting Inches to Metric Measurements
Inch Fraction Conversion Chart – Fraction Decimal and Metric Equivalents
See equivalent length measurements in fraction, decimal, and metric up to one inch in 1⁄64' increments. Use this to convert decimals to inches and millimeters.
Fraction (inches) | Decimal (inches) | Metric (millimeters) |
1/64″ | 0.015625″ | 0.396875 mm |
1/32″ | 0.03125″ | 0.79375 mm |
3/64″ | 0.046875″ | 1.190625 mm |
1/16″ | 0.0625″ | 1.5875 mm |
5/64″ | 0.078125″ | 1.984375 mm |
3/32″ | 0.09375″ | 2.38125 mm |
7/64″ | 0.109375″ | 2.778125 mm |
1/8″ | 0.125″ | 3.175 mm |
9/64″ | 0.140625″ | 3.571875 mm |
5/32″ | 0.15625″ | 3.96875 mm |
11/64″ | 0.171875″ | 4.365625 mm |
3/16″ | 0.1875″ | 4.7625 mm |
13/64″ | 0.203125″ | 5.159375 mm |
7/32″ | 0.21875″ | 5.55625 mm |
15/64″ | 0.234375″ | 5.953125 mm |
1/4″ | 0.25″ | 6.35 mm |
17/64″ | 0.265625″ | 6.746875 mm |
9/32″ | 0.28125″ | 7.14375 mm |
19/64″ | 0.296875 | 7.540625 mm |
5/16″ | 0.3125″ | 7.9375 mm |
21/64″ | 0.328125″ | 8.334375 mm |
11/32″ | 0.34375″ | 8.73125 mm |
23/64″ | 0.359375″ | 9.128125 mm |
3/8″ | 0.375″ | 9.525 mm |
25/64″ | 0.390625″ | 9.921875 mm |
13/32″ | 0.40625″ | 10.31875 mm |
27/64″ | 0.421875″ | 10.715625 mm |
7/16″ | 0.4375″ | 11.1125 mm |
29/64″ | 0.453125″ | 11.509375 mm |
15/32″ | 0.46875″ | 11.90625 mm |
31/64″ | 0.484375″ | 12.303125 mm |
1/2″ | 0.5″ | 12.7 mm |
33/64″ | 0.515625″ | 13.096875 mm |
17/32″ | 0.53125″ | 13.49375 mm |
35/64″ | 0.546875″ | 13.890625 mm |
9/16″ | 0.5625″ | 14.2875 mm |
37/64″ | 0.578125″ | 14.684375 mm |
19/32″ | 0.59375″ | 15.08125 mm |
39/64″ | 0.609375″ | 15.478125 mm |
5/8″ | 0.625″ | 15.875 mm |
41/64″ | 0.640625″ | 16.271875 mm |
21/32″ | 0.65625″ | 16.66875 mm |
43/64″ | 0.671875″ | 17.065625 mm |
11/16″ | 0.6875″ | 17.4625 mm |
45/64″ | 0.703125″ | 17.859375 mm |
23/32″ | 0.71875″ | 18.25625 mm |
47/64″ | 0.734375″ | 18.653125 mm |
3/4″ | 0.75″ | 19.05 mm |
49/64″ | 0.765625″ | 19.446875 mm |
25/32″ | 0.78125″ | 19.84375 mm |
51/64″ | 0.796875″ | 20.240625 mm |
13/16″ | 0.8125″ | 20.6375 mm |
53/64″ | 0.828125″ | 21.034375 mm |
27/32″ | 0.84375″ | 21.43125 mm |
55/64″ | 0.859375″ | 21.828125 mm |
7/8″ | 0.875″ | 22.225 mm |
57/64″ | 0.890625″ | 22.621875 mm |
29/32″ | 0.90625″ | 23.01875 mm |
59/64″ | 0.921875″ | 23.415625 mm |
15/16″ | 0.9375″ | 23.8125 mm |
61/64″ | 0.953125″ | 24.209375 mm |
31/32″ | 0.96875″ | 24.60625 mm |
63/64″ | 0.984375″ | 25.003125 mm |
1″ | 1.0″ | 25.4 mm |
Inch Fraction Calculator - Find Inch Fractions From Decimal ..
- The Free Dictionary, dyadic rational,